April 1, 2007

April Fool's

I didn't play any jokes today.

In the past I have pulled some good ones on my husband, including having him completely convinced I had hit his car in the garage when I parked my SUV (I even walked into the house crying). However, it seems the universe has way of getting back at me for my very convincing acting, since shortly after one of these "jokes" 2 or 3 bad things happen to me. I am probably reading too much into the whole karma thing, but I have decided to not tempt fate and have given up "fooling".

I did enjoy the beautiful day here, though. We put up the hammock in the backyard, did a little cleaning up and odd jobs (Doug has the caulk removed out of the master bath shower--who knows how long it will take to have the caulk back in). In the afternoon I was able to join my friends for SnB at the Knaughty Knitter in Murfreesboro, where I continued to work on my Inside Out sock. I am almost to the heel and I will post a picture tomorrow when I can take one in the daylight. The SnB was wonderful, as always. The group was a little smaller than usual, but we had a lot of laughs and good conversation--and cookies & chocolate!

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